ICT-Energy Science Conference 2016
ICT-Energy Science Conference 2016: energy efficiency and sustainability in ICT
Aalborg, Aug 16-19
The ICT-Energy Consortium is proud to announce the incoming edition of the ICT-Energy Science Conference “ICT-Energy 2016: energy efficiency and sustainability in ICT”.
The proceedings are now available here as a special issue of the ICT-Energy Letters.
Conference Topics:
The conference is organized into V sessions devoted to the following topics:
Session I: Fundamental limits in energy consumption of computing
Session II: Novel architectures and devices for energy efficient computing
Session III: Efficient Energy harvesting for autonomous devices
Session IV: Energy aware software
Session V: HPC energy constraints towards exascale computers
Chair: L. Gammaitoni, NiPS Laboratory – University of Perugia (IT)
Vice Chair: K.G. Larsen, Aalborg Universitet (DK)
Vice Chair: D. Paul, University of Glasgow (UK)
Scientific Committee:
G. Fagas, Tyndall National Institute University College Cork (UK)
J.P. Gallagher,Roskilde Univ. (DK)
V. Heuveline, Ruprec ht-Karls-universitaet Heidelberg (Ger)
A.C. Kestelman, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (SP)
D. Atienza, EPFL (CH)
D. Williams, Hitachi Europe limited (UK)
K. Eder, University of Bristol (UK)
Organization Committee:
C.B. Mezzetti, NiPS Laboratory – University of Perugia (IT)
A. Legay, Aalborg Universitet (DK) and INRIA (FR)
R.W. Uhrenholt, Aalborg Universitet (DK)
For more information, see http://www.ict-energy.eu/scienceconference_home

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